Hi, I'm Daisha, full stack web developer, creative, and problem solver.

Meet Me

photo of Daisha

Hey there! I'm Daisha. Thanks for visiting my portfolio!

Currently I have a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science from Georgia Institute of Technology. During my studies I specialized in the people side of computing (psychology) as well as media (android apps, programming sound, programming 3D graphics). In high school I was introduced to the world of programming when I enrolled in a web design course. I have since revisited my interests in web design. I am currently working towards earning a certificate in full stack web development. I love that web design allows me to problem solve all while channeling my inner creativity.

This portfolio is where I plan to showcase some of my favorite projects and track my growth & progress in my journey to curating unique user experiences.

I am excited to share more! Just keep scrolling to see some of my projects.

Check Out Some of My Projects

pretend business website screenshot

Granduer Getaways

A pretend business website I created to help hone my skills. It is currently a static website using just HTML and CSS.

HTML logo CSS logo Responsive Web Design logo Command Line logo Git logo Github logo Visual Studio Code logo

Website Style Guide

An extremely beginner and static website using HTML and CSS. It's main purpose was to give myself a guideline for the design and style of a future webpage. My skills and style have since increased and changed drastically. It's fun to watch your work improve!

HTML logo CSS logo Command Line logo Git logo Github logo Visual Studio Code logo
website style-guide screenshot
web dev portfolio screenshot

Daisha Devs Portfolio

You probably guessed it -- this site was developed and designed by yours truly using a combination of HTML, CSS, and Javascript. Here is where I plan to showcase my skills and other projects I am working on.

HTML logo CSS logo JavaScript logo Responsive Web Design logo Web Accessibility logo Command Line logo Git logo Github logo Visual Studio Code logo

The Lost Survivor GBA Game

Not web design but a project I'm proud of nonetheless. This is a Gameboy Advance game I developed in one my Georgia Tech classes in 2017 using C (assembly). It has its fair share of bugs, but I learned a ton! You can watch a clip of gameplay here or play the game yourself by following the instructions in my Github repo README!

C programming logo Gameboy Advance logo

Skills & Technologies

Here's what's in my toolkit:

Meet the programs and technologies used to bring my projects to life!

HTML logo


CSS logo


JavaScript logo


Git logo


Github logo


Command Line logo

Command Line

Visual Studio Code logo

Visual Studio Code

Responsive web design logo

Responsive Web Design

Website accessibility logo

Website Accessibility